After an initial 50 minute consultation examining eating habits, stress levels and coping behaviors through food, and clarifying your nutrition, health, and weight loss goals, Michele guides you to look and feel better through a customized easy to follow nutrition plan based on your taste preferences, nutrition, weight loss and fitness goals. Michele guides you to establish the mindset and long term behaviors to get and stay lean through weekly reports, unlimited email support for your questions and needs, and biweekly in person or phone coaching sessions to guide you step by step to successfully implement the necessary changes, monitor your progress, and make any necessary modifications to get you through sticking points. This program is offered globally through online support and via email and video consultation.
For a Get Acquanted Nutrition Consultation
12 Week Body Transformation Program
Get body shaping results in just 12 weeks working with Michele supervising your customized training and nutrition program through email updates and 50 minute in person or phone consultations.
Prior to starting this program, Michele offers a 50 minute initial consultation to help you clarify your fitness and body shaping goals, in person or over the phone. The program includes a customized nutrition and training program, cardio schedule, and recommended supplements based on your and fitness goals. Michele guides you to establish the mindset and long term behaviors to stay lean in the long term through weekly email reports, unlimited email support for your questions and needs. Since nutritional changes aren’t accomplished over night, Michele guides you to successfully accomplish nutritional and weight loss success, through guiding you step by step to implementing these lifestyle changes through biweekly in person or phone coaching sessions, as well as troubleshooting any nutritional or lifestyle obstacles, and make any modifications to get you through metabolic sticking points. We routinely update the nutrition and training programs to make sure your body’s metabolic and growth rate keeps making continuous progress. This program is offered globally through online support via by email updates and video consultation.
For a Get Acquanted Nutrition Consultation
Group Nutrition Program
Work with friends, coworkers, or family in a supportive environment to help you achieve your health transformation and weight loss goals. Each group member receives a customized nutrition plan based on individual taste preferences, activity level, unique health needs. Each member is offered unlimited email support for questions and needs, as well as biweekly group meetings through phone or in person.
For a Get Acquanted Nutrition Consultation